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Video Sample 
Scott on TV 
Listening Tips 




Effective Listening Tips 11 to 15 - 2min:8 sec


As part of our Profit With Effective Listening Workshop, attendees are presented with 15 critical tips to greatly increase their ability to listen effectively. Scott recorded tips 11 through 15 especially to give you a sample of the information he offers in the workshops, seminar and keynote. In the Profit With Effective Listening programs, he gets into a lot more detail and involves the audience in the discussion. Watch the Video Sample and you will see a few of the tips being discussed.





Effective Listening Tips 15 to 11 covered in the above video

TIP # The Tip

Don't let a person's voice distract you

12 Periodically acknowledge the person speaking
13 Devote your full attention to the person speaking so you don't miss anything
14 Do all you can to suspend emotions as they will impede listening
15 Ask an occasional question to let them know you're listening


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